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April 25th, 2023

Starting Online Exchange with Clemson University: Sharing Ideas about Environmental Issues in Japan and America!

[caption id="attachment_89860" align="alignright" width="300"] 4月3日の準備会での様子 Prep session on Apr. 3[/caption] On April[...]

April 13th, 2023

There is a new Romanian novel partly set in Fukui, and GCS students gathered information for it in PBL.

A novel set in Fukui was published in Romania as a result of the "Second Virtual Tour of Japan: Fukui Prefecture" organi[...]

April 6th, 2023

University of Fukui awarded Dr. Benjamin Tsang of the University of Ottawa with an honorary doctorate degree

University of Fukui awarded Dr. Benjamin Tsang of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, Canada, with an Honorar[...]

March 20th, 2023

Mr. MATSUSHIMA Hiromichi, Japan’s Ambassador to the Republic of Slovenia visited UF on March 3, 2023

University of Fukui has been pursuing university-wide exchange with universities in the Republic of Slovenia since Fukui[...]