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Notice of AY2019 Graduation Ceremony

Feb. 27, 2020

To all graduates,

?UEDA Takanori
University of Fukui

Notice of AY2019 Graduation Ceremony

In response to the rapid spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) now in Japan, University of Fukui decided to hold but scale down the graduation ceremony (degree-awarding ceremony) to be held on Monday, March 23, 2020.

We are sure many graduates and their family members will be disappointed to hear this notification, and it was a difficult decision to make for us also.
However, considering the current situation as well as following the opinions from infectious disease specialists, we came to this conclusion that having the ceremony in the usual way could increase the risk of infection and that it is our priority to protect the health of all graduates and their family members.

Instead, we will broadcast the ceremony on YouTube Live, We hope everybody will take a part of this ceremony by watching the YouTube Live with your family members.
Also, we will set the “AY2019 Graduation Ceremony” signboard on campus for a while, so please use it for your commemorative photos.

In addition, since the situations keep changing every day, there is a possibility to cancel the ceremony. Please keep up with the latest information to be reported on the university website and Student Portal.

○AY2019 Graduation Ceremony (degree-awarding ceremony)

1. DATE & TIME:March 23rd (MON) 10:00~
VENUE:Academy Hall (Bunkyo campus)
ATTENDEES:10 representative students of the graduates, President, Trustees and Deans, etc.
*Note: Except for 10 representative students all students and family members are requested not to enter the venue.

2. As for representative students with high fever or with respiratory symptoms, please refrain from attending the ceremony.

3. As for representative students we will install hand sanitizers in front of the entrance. Please use them to protect yourselves with wearing face masks and washing your hands.

4. Information about the places to set signboards (4 spots for Bunkyo campus and 1 spot for Matsuoka campus) and the YouTube URL will be notified on the university website and Student Portal as soon as available.


│ February 27th, 2020 │